
The WP Mobile Pack content API implements a series of endpoints that are responsible for exporting posts. These are as follows:

Please note all endpoints support JSONP.

All URL’s are relative to the WP Mobile Pack installation folder, typically located at /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack.

1) Exporting posts from a category

Relative FREE URL:/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/content.php?content=exportarticles&categoryId=0&callback=CallbackMethod

Relative PRO URL: /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack-pro/frontend/export/content.php?content=exportarticles&categoryId=0&callback=CallbackMethod

Sample code: on Gist


Response type: JSONP

Response format:

2) Exporting a post’s full content

Relative FREE URL:/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/content.php?content=exportarticle&articleId=1&callback=CallbackMethod

Relative PRO URL:/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack-pro/frontend/export/content.php?content=exportarticle&articleId=1&callback=CallbackMethod

Sample code: onGist


Response type:JSONP

Response format:

Post format

Sample code: on Gist

The exportcategories and exportarticles endpoints export a list of posts objects. In a similar way, the exportarticle endpoint exports the details for a post. Each post object contains the following fields:

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