1. When I visit my website from a smartphone, I don’t see any posts or pages

Please make sure that the endpoint exporting the content can be accessed and doesn’t show errors or notices. From a browser, go to the following address: /wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/content.php?content=exportcategories&limit=5&callback=Ext.data.JsonP.callback. You should see a text starting with “Ext.data.JsonP.callback”. If the page displays a “403 forbidden” message or has any errors / notices, it means that the content will not be available to the mobile web app.

2. I have enabled WordPress Mobile Pack, but I still see the desktop theme on my smartphone

If you are using a cache plugin, please check the docs. Some additional settings on the cache plugin might be required to correctly enable the mobile detection from WordPress Mobile Pack.

3. What can I use to replace contact forms?

Most of the sites we come across use contact forms to allow users to get in touch or/and send messages. However, when targeting mobile users, forcing them to fill out a dull form (usually pretty long) is the worst UX you can offer to your mobile audience. Instead, here are a couple of approaches you could try out in your mobile web application:

  • Let users call you You have to remember that they’re reading your content from a mobile device, so the most obvious way to get in touch with you is to actually call you directly. You can do that by editing a page and adding the following piece of code:

    <a href="tel:+1234567890">Call us now!</a>

  • Sending a message over email Why using a contact form when you can simply use the mailto: function:

    <a href="mailto:your-email@address.com">Get in touch</a>

  • Calling you on Skype Maybe you’d like to be contacted over Skype. That’s insanely easy – just use this piece of code:

    <a href="skype:skype_user?call">Call us using Skype!</a>

    Notice that instead of skype: you can use callto: in which case you can replace the skype_user even with your phone number.

  • Maybe you prefer Whatsapp Most of your mobile users might already have Whatsapp installed, so why not letting them get in touch with you through it:

    <a href="whatsapp://send?text=Hello%20World!">Hello, world!</a>

  • Or maybe you prefer good old SMS Here’s a simple way of enabling mobile users to send you an SMS:

    <a href="sms:+1234567890?body=hello%20there">Hello, there!</a>

Last updated